From the span of late March to early July, myself along with many others were obligated to stay inside our NYC Homes / Apartments / or Other in solidarity against COVID-19.
During this stretch of time things were very nerve-racking while simultaneously boring.
Fear for the future, careers, family, friends, society, infrastructure, money, food, shelter, toilet paper, and one’s own life were some of the common concerns floating around.
The following collection of work however focuses predominantly on the new found “Boredom”; that Me and my immediate circle (Mike (Roommate/BFF), John (Roommate/Cousin) & Joanna (Lover)) experienced and engaged with on a daily-ish basis.
The work was produced using the endless supply of cardboard Amazon (TM) packages that arrived at our house almost daily as well as black and white acrylic paint. With these (3) things finger paintings were created.

“Corona Boiz” - Acrylic on Cardboard - chillin’ on the floor
Here are portraits of Myself, John, & Mike in that order.
We now both live & work together everyday.
“Custom Tip” - Acrylic on Cardboard - leaning against our stoop
Had food delivered to the house at least once a day.
I however, almost never did delivery; frankly I am just too cheap to pay the fee and the tip, so I prefer in-store pickup.
Plus the walk is refreshing.
“Abundance” - Acrylic on Cardboard - out on the street
Generally anxious, hard and uncertain times.

Some of the work in my Living Room