Portraits 1-88 is a collection of lines and dots that represent a small community
of friends, family, and acquaintances.

Dean & Tom - Marker on Cardstock
This is Tabitha….... Tabitha graduated from SUNY Oneonta 3 years ago and is currently living in Canisteo, New York as a manager at a local hardware store.
Here is Tabitha’s husband Marcus, they have been together since their sophomore year of college. Marcus is currently between jobs but has been making some money doing minor repairs on people's lawn mowers.
These are Tabitha's cousins Ivan and Yvonne, they are significantly older than Tabitha and live together down by the creek. They come by the house often with lawn mower related problems which Tabitha suspects is just an excuse for the two of them to talk with other people.
Hector is Marcus’ oldest friend and is also between jobs. He spends about 4-5 days a week watching Marcus fix lawn mowers, drinking wine coolers, and making off handed political comments to no one in particular.
Harriet is Hector’s long term on again off again girlfriend with whom they share 2 children named Liz and Leila. Harriett and the children come by the house bi-weekly to tell Hector he is trash and that he needs to find a job. Harriet has secretly been seeing Ivan for almost 2 months now and is very happy in her new romance.
Tabithas father, Keith, lives in the basement of their house and is the self proclaimed neighborhood watch. He spends most of his days viewing daytime television and looking out the window for any ruckus that may be occurring on there small street in their town of roughly 2000 people.
John - Marker on Cardstock
Leon is a 14 year old neighborhood kid, who is the leading suspect in many of Keith’s investigations. He has been questioned in relation to such instances as the buttery door knob, the milk carton bombings, and most recently a murdered squirrel. He has yet to face conviction for any of these charges.
Geraldine is Leon’s mother and as Tabitha puts it “is definitely on the spectrum”. Despite this rather rude assertion about Geraldine, which has never been said to her face, Tabitha and her atleast once a week go to see a movie and get some coffee, an event Tabitha enjoys greatly.
Dean and Tom have been friends of Keith's since Vietnam and they come over every Saturday for dinner and a game of poker. They are the only openly gay couple in town and because of this they have experienced some flack from certain community members. Keith however states, and I quote, “I could give two shits what those two do in their free time.”
Meredith is an elderly divorcee who lives 3 houses down from Tabitha’s place. Tabitha and her often exchange vegetables from one another's garden. Meredith tends to use these transactions to discuss her longtime crush on Tabitha’s father, Keith.
Tabitha’s Sister, Beth Mary lives in the town of Hornell just north of Canisteo. She is 5 years older and is dating the coach of the high school football team. She rarely comes to Canisteo for a visit because she just has so much going lately that she just cant find the time.
John is a local drunk who Beth Mary used to date for a few years. On nights of particularly excessive drinking he has been known to spend the night in Tabitha and Marcus’ backyard; he can always be heard singing “Forever in Blue Jeans” by Neil Diamond, who is Mary Beth’s favorite musician.
Pauline - Marker on Cardstock
The Testa’s who are a family some might describe as obsessed with fitness, go on early morning runs. Because they are out so early they often find themselves responsible for getting John up and out of Tabitha’s shrubs before her and the rest of her neighborhood has a chance to see him in the cold light of day.
Pauline Testa, the 4th and only Testa not concerned with fitness has been Tabitha’s friend since 5th grade, she particularly loves mornings where her family come home having had to deal with John. She often relays her mother’s opinion on the man to Tabitha and they both have a good laugh.
Across the street from Tabitha’s home lives Tod. Tod keeps to himself and rarely has company but his property is very well maintained so no one really pays him any mind. However they should because Tod is a pervert and spends most of his evenings looking in other people's windows with a pair of military grade binoculars.
Tod has one good friend Eric, who goes to hang out with him a few times a week. Eric is not as strange as Tod and actually gets along quite well with Tabitha, Marcus and the rest of the neighborhood. It should be noted that Eric is also unaware of Tod’s strange hobby.
Becca is part of a nursing service and is responsible for handling some medical things for Keith on a weekly basis. She comes to Tabitha’s more than she is scheduled though to hang out and drink wine coolers with Hector, who’s bad boy lifestyle really intrigues her.
Gloria is Becca’s aunt and she works at a sub shop 2 miles down the road. She often confronts her niece who comes into the shop to pick up orders for Hector, stating that she can do much better than him and that she really needs to evaluate her choices. Becca however does not care.
All 88 portraits from the community.