9th Hole Home
Near the 9th hole of the Hay Harbor Golf Club was an aged summer home, long held by a local family. Unfortunately due to size and maintenance issues, it came time for the old home to be demolished and a new one constructed in its place.
This new home was designed in order to accommodate a large family that frequently hosted extended members and friends throughout the summer season. The 1st floor of the home possessed several open and large gathering spaces so that all people inhabiting it could share their time together comfortably. The Ground floor also took advantage of gorgeous views to the North by incorporating large glazed openings out to the rear yard that also connected to beautiful exterior decks and screened porches. On the 2nd floor were a number of single and bunk style rooms with ensuite bathrooms so that parents and children could all be housed comfotably for however long they may stay.
Project w/ Kinlin Rutherfurd

View through Kitchen