it is late august

you and your sister are young and enjoying wasted hours

ringing the doorbells of neighbors and sprinting away, laughing at the minor inconvenience you have caused

as you frantically dash from a far more bothered neighbor than one could have ever imagined, your pants get caught and tear on a poorly mended fence.

your sister helps you rip yourself free and you escape to the safety of your garage

frantically the two of you bury the pants and swear to never reveal your misdeeds

as you grow in and out of your neighborhood the sight of the poorly mended fence teases you with the fading idea of carelessness

as you navigate early adulthood, you inherently look for the fence on your visits home, a thing stuck out of time

then one day

you drive to what was once your only home and the fence is repaired

your heart sinks.... and you know exactly why

kicking rocks by the trash compactorchit chatting with your manager as they finish their cigarette break

kicking rocks by the trash compactor

chit chatting with your manager as they finish their cigarette break

just out of frame is a white plastic chaira crushed beer canand some gravel

just out of frame is a white plastic chair

a crushed beer can

and some gravel

the sun room of your great aunt’sdelicious strawberry shaped candies fill a dishand grow sticky in the hot humid glass box

the sun room of your great aunt’s

delicious strawberry shaped candies fill a dish

and grow sticky in the hot humid glass box


Images pinned in office w/ collected & cataloged sidewalk